Development program priorities of local government were developed based on alignment with the vision, mission, and goals to be achieved. Thus, prioritization must consider the strategic planning that has been assigned an entity. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is an approach that can be used to select and determine the priority development programs to consider strategic planning as the main criterion. Processing to determine weight and priority using expert choice programs, the computer-based application system that specifically designed for selecting the alternatives
AHP can provide optimal solutions for analysis of quantitative and qualitative decision, evaluate a priority based on the hierarchical model, and identify the priority ranking based on a logical argument. AHP in the province of East Java is intended to identify, select and assign priorities based on the medium term program and align to the vision. Stages of the AHP to set the priority scale of development program in East Java Province is data collection, decomposition, comparative judgement, and synthesis of priority. The results of the analysis determined that the highest priority program is the quality improvement of education and the lowest priority programs are the rehabilitation and reconstruction of social economic impact of lapindo mud.

Key words:
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP),  priority setting,strategic planning, RPJMD, Visi, alignment.


Unknown said...

ma'af pak mengganggu, saya ingin membeli buku ini, dimana yang ada ya pak, cari di toko-toko buku gak ada pak

buetgeut said...

Assalamualaikum, mohon maaf Pak bagaimana kiranya saya bisa dapatkan buku ini Pak untuk bahan literatur penelitian saya di Aceh-Simeulue, jika berkenan bisa saya hubungi dan mohon dapat diberikan CP bapak untuk bisa saya hubungi...terima kasih...

%Kori%_AIR GARAM (TIGI) NEWS said...

Sangat terbantu